Naas driving test centre

Naas Driving Test Centre

  • Naas Driving Test Centre is located in a separate building at the back of the Osprey Hotel on the south east side of Naas town.
  • The waiting room is comfortable and clean toilets are available.
  • There are dedicated spaces for test candidates but not many so we only use them at your actual test time.
  • The parking is tight so we make sure to arrive in good time.
  • Pass rate is almost 50% and waiting times average around 10/11 weeks which is one of the lowest in the country.
  • Naas Driving Test centre normally has 4 Driving Testers working.
  • It has the capability to test Cars and Trucks including trailers 

We provide you with tailored solutions to enable you to prepare, practice and Pass your Driving Test in Naas. We offer expert Pre-Test tuition based on the actual test routes, car hire for the driving test and highest standards in the industry. We are so confident in what we offer that we are the only company to openly offer you a refund if there is a problem with the car provided for your driving test. 

Driving Test Car Hire @ Naas Test Centre is a service offered by Michael McDaid and Steven Callaghan since 2015. We are both RSA approved ADIs and have a combined experience in the driving instruction industry of over 35 years.

We partner with passionate and flexible instructors who want you to pass your driving test. Your licence is our sole focus. We work exclusively with people preparing for their test. We know the routes and we know exactly what the tester wants to see. Do not take chances with another company. We are the pretest and car hire specialists here at Naas Test Centre.

Naas Driving Test Routes

There are many routes available to the testers here and as always they have a degree of discretion as to where they bring candidates. Watch out, the Caragh Court estate is perfect for practicing manouvers but the RSA have agreed not to use it to avoid annoying the neighbours. There are many roads with 60 kph limits so (depending on the car) 5th gear will probably be needed. Most tests will drive through the town centre which is nearly always busy. There are numerous pedestrian crossings at which caution is needed. Despite the relatively low pass rate you can tip the balance in your favour with Driving Test Car Hire.

If you have a test date in Naas but no roadworthy car, you can guarantee the best tuition in the business and a perfectly prepared car with a small deposit. Don’t hesitate book now and we’ll help you get your all important driving licence at Naas driving test centre.

Prepare for your Driving Test in Naas with us

Have you got your test coming up at Naas Driving Test Centre? Whether it’s two weeks or two days away, make sure to give yourself the best chance possible of passing the driving test in Naas. The best tuition in the country combined with our in depth knowledge of the test routes and a perfectly prepared easy to drive hatchback car makes Driving Test Car Hire your only stop when looking for your full “red” driver’s licence!

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